Reconstruction of Savski Square

savski square

During 2019. there has been ongoing reconstruction of Savski Square. Accordingly, there will be major changes in this area in order to connect city centre with a luxury new district named Belgrade Waterfront. The reconstructed sqaure will be larger than Republic Square and might even become the new city center, providing Belgrade with a new and monumental public area. The General Urbanistic Plan defines new landscape design, as well as organization of new traffic patterns.

The new look of the former Main railway station

The reconstruction includes the facade, roof and complete interior of the historic building – former Belgrade Main railway station, which is the heart of the whole project. Dating from 1884, the building will be transformed into a museum, with a statue of Stefan Nemanja, founder of Serbian medival Nemanjici dynasty in it’s front. The monument, a work of Russian sculptor Aleksandar Rukavisnjikov was originally to be erected in the center of the square, but was moved to prevent to prevent the main entrance of this building from being visually obscured. The monument will be 23 meters high, which is equal to the height of the five-story building. Also, in near future, two metro lines will be meet where old train platforms used to be.

New traffic routes

The most significant change will be the relocation traffic from Savski Square. Car traffic will take place around the square, while in the middle there will be a huge pedestrian zone. This will provide a large functional area within the square that can be used as a space for gathering and organizing events, while increasing the safety of pedestrians.

Savski square as a Pedestrian zone

This project envisions large grassed areas framed with planted greenery. Tall plants, with a combination of ash, birch and cherry trees will be planted around the square, while lower plants will include irises, drains, immortelle and other aromatic bushes. As a final detail, there will be a fountain with watersprings on the sidewalk near the monument.
Reconstruction of the Savski Square represents a huge operation, which will be implemented in several phases, and its finale is planned for mid-2020. 

The Jump Inn Hotel Belgrade is located just 446m from Savski Square, so our guests will have an opportunity to enjoy this newly built square several times a day and meet at a conveniant location very near the hotel.

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