
Conferences and Events

There are two modern conference and meeting rooms equipped with the latest technology in audio and video, Wi-Fi access and internally controlled air conditioning. Meeting room is suitable for 20 people and conference room can accommodate up to 80 people. Rooms are ideal for conferences, symposiums, seminars, training sessions, presentations, corporate meetings, press conferences and many more.

Comfortable chairs and tables are easily portable, and help achieve different desired layouts. That way we can fulfill each desire and request made by our clients, which is, of course, our team’s mission. The lobby is ideal for coffee breaks, cocktails or other purposes. With natural light, modern furniture and adjustable air conditioning. This conference room represents an ideal space for business events. Be sure of your business choice with Jump INN hotel’s professional team.

Conference room Milan


Conference room Viktor



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The multifunctional space Cherry is suitable for holding various events, cocktails, celebrations, business meetings… Its unusual design exudes special elegance and charm and leaves no one indifferent. It is equipped with comfortable furniture and other equipment that meets all client requirements
